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Championship Scoring

High Point & Distance Series Scoring

  1. To qualify for CBYRA High Point awards in any PHRF class, an individual must:

      1. Be a member of CBYRA, prior to their first race qualifying for PHRF High Point, and

      2. Be affiliated with a CBYRA Member Club, and

      3. Have a PHRF of the Chesapeake Valid Certificate, and

      4. Have a number listed in the CBYRA roster of sail numbers that is a unique USSA sail number, a number assigned by a National governing body, a unique One Design class number of a recognized ISAF class, or a unique One Design class number as maintained by the class association of a recognized CBYRA One Design class.

  1. PHRF High Point is recorded on a Bay wide basis using class codes as denoted in the following table. Note that the class codes are not the same as the code flag shown in the class splits. The class codes must be included with the race results reported to CBYRA for proper recording of High Point scores. For High Point scoring in PHRF A only, region 3 is divided into three sub-regions as follows:

      1. 3AW - Annapolis, West River

      2. 3SE - Solomons, Eastern Shore, and St. Mary's River

      3. 3PR - Potomac River west of St. Mary's River

        PHRF Non-Spinnaker is recorded as PHRF N, North and as PHRF N, South.

        Region 4 shall be divided into sub-regions, North and South, for both Spinnaker and Non-Spinnaker sections.




A0 (Spinnaker)

3AW only

A1 (Spinnaker)

3AW only

A2 (Spinnaker)

3AW only

Sport Boat

1, 2, and 3

A (Spinnaker)

1, 2, 3SE, 4N, 4S

B (Spinnaker)

1, 2, 3AW, 3SE, 4N, 4S

C (Spinnaker)

1, 2, 3AW, 3SE, 4N, 4S




1, 2, 3 (all), 4


1, 2, 3 (all),4

NS North (Non-Spin)

1, 2, 3 (all)

NS South (Non-Spin)


  1. For all sections, both Spinnaker and Non-Spinnaker, each boat/owner must declare with his/her application for PHRF and CBYRA membership or renewal, a Region for High Point, which region shall be fixed for the season. A boat/owner from region 3AW may not declare either region 3SE, or 3PR as their declared region. If no region is declared, the region in which the primary yacht club is located shall be designated as the declared region. Without regard for region, the results for each event shall be scored and totaled on a Bay-wide basis for each section. The highest scored boat/owner for each section, in the resulting overall standings, shall be declared the overall winner in his/her section. The highest scored boat/owner in each Region in his/her overall section standing shall be declared the regional winner.

  2. Qualification for High Point awards:

      1. Spinnaker sections - To be considered for any High Point award, a boat/owner must have been scored in at least five (5) sanctioned events three (3) of which started or finished in his/her declared region.

      2. Non-Spinnaker sections - To be considered for any High Point award, a boat/owner must have been scored in at least five (5) sanctioned events in Regions 1, 2, or 3 for PHRF N North, or at least five (5) sanctioned events in Region 4 for PHRF N South. Wild card races may count as one of the five (5) qualifying events.

      3. Local clubs may schedule, through CBYRA, multiple race events in a single day and each event may carry a separate CBYRA race number.

      4. All Annapolis Labor Day, Northern Bay, Screwpile Lighthouse Challenge, or Southern Bay Race Week events will be considered as wild card races for boats from 'declared regions' outside of the regatta venue region. The SMCSA Governors Cup and the EYC Boomerang Race will be considered as wild card races for boats with regions I or II as their declared region. Wild card races will be scored as home region events for all boats only after that boat from 'declared regions' outside of the regatta venue region, has been scored in at least four (4) sanctioned events in it's declared region. The wild card races shall be scored on a daily basis, unless each race has a separate CBYRA race number.

      5. In the event that less than five (5) qualified races occur in a boats declared region, that boat may qualify by being scored in at least fifty (50%) percent of the declared regions races. Boats whose home region is either region I, or region II, may use events from either region I, or region II, as qualifying events for high point scoring.

  1. High Point races in regions I, II, and III, will include all sanctioned races scheduled in the CBYRA Green Book.

  2. One event may be discarded from the records in which a boat has been recorded for at least nine (9) events. The race dropped may be one in which the boat was scored as ‘DSQ' by the Race Committee unless the DSQ was for 'significant damage' or the boat was scored as DNE (Disqualified, Non-Excludable). The High Point Scorer will calculate which race to discard to generate the highest score. When a boat is scored as DNS or DNC, the race will not count as a race started.

  3. An event does not contribute to the record for High Point awards if the first boat to finish averages less than2.0 knots over the course.

  4. An event does not contribute to the record for High Point awards if the length of the race course is less than four(4) nautical miles. An event consisting of multiple races with a total distance greater than four (4) nautical miles satisfies this requirement.

  5. An event does not contribute to the competitors' record for High Point awards if there are less than three (3) boats in their class entered and competing in the race. If there are fewer than three competitors in a class, the organizing club may group several classes into a single start and satisfy this requirement. In this case each competitor will receive the race score as though all other competitors were in their class.

  6. Bonus Points for the length of the course(s) in an event shall be available as follows:

    4.0 to 19.9 miles = 0 points

    20.0 to 39.9 miles = 5 points

    40.0 to 99.9 miles = 10 points

    100.0 to 149.9 miles = 12 points

    150.0 to 199.9 miles = 14 points

    200.0 and over miles = 16 points

    Total bonus points are limited to thirty (30). If any boat/owner accumulates more than thirty (30) bonus points, the amount above 30 would be subtracted from both the numerator and denominator of the High Point scoring formula.

  7. The PHRF scorer will compute the scores of all PHRF competitors in each class with the following formula:

    High Point Score = Total of Points Earned* for the Year ___

    Total Max. Points Possible + 30 (participation points)

    If Boat/Owner Won Every Event in Which Recorded

    * Points Earned = 1 point for starting, 1 point for finishing, and 1 point for every boat beaten.

  8. PHRF of the Chesapeake Distance Series:

    Trophies will be awarded across all classes in Regions I, II, III, and IV, based on criteria described below.

      1. Meet all qualifications in sections 1, 7, and 9 above.

      2. Qualifying Distance Races must have a minimum sailed distance of not less than 15 nautical miles.The list of qualifying Distance Races will be posted on the PHRF web site. A PHRF committee consisting of the President, and the respective regions (I – III, or IV) Vice President and Chief Handicapper, will determine which races will qualify for the Distance Series awards, based on input from the PHRF classes.

      3. A boat must participate in a minimum of four (4) distance races to qualify for a Distance Series Award.

      4. Only the top four (4) distance races will be included for each boat's score. For boats participating in more than four (4) distance races, the scorer will calculate which four (4) races generate the highest score.

      5. The Distance Series scoring formula shall be the same as in section 11 above, except that there will be no bonus points awarded based on the distance of the race.

© 2025 PHRF of the Chesapeake, Inc