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PHRF Foundation

Chesapeake Bay PHRF Foundation

A. Mission Statement

The Performance Handicap Racing Fleet Foundation (PHRFF) was established by the Performance Handicap Racing Fleet of the Chesapeake to:

(1) Provide an opportunity for its members to act collectively to foster local excellence in national and international amateur sailing competition,

(2) Contribute to maritime-related charitable and educational organizations in the Chesapeake Bay region, and

(3) Support charitable and educational activities undertaken by PHRF Member Clubs.

Awards to support amateur sailing competition are made on the recommendation of an Awards Committee, grants to maritime-related charitable and educational organizations provide members an opportunity to support the Chesapeake Bay community in which their Club is located, and scholarships permit underprivileged youths to participate in PHRF Member Yacht Club's junior sailing program.

B. Giving Policy

The Performance Handicap Racing Fleet Foundation [“PHRFF”] makes grants to support its mission. Grants are made in three categories:

  1. Amateur sailing competition;

  2. Maritime-related charitable and educational organizations; and

  3. Scholarships for deserving children to participate in the PHRF Member Club's Junior Sailing Programs.

    Each category of giving has its own funding guidelines, as follows:

    1. Amateur Sailing Competition.

  1. Amateur sailors - Amateur sailors from the Chesapeake Bay area who are participating in national or international sailing competition are eligible. An “amateur” sailor includes any sailor if the national governing body of the sport does not consider the type of support paid to the athlete as destroying the athlete's eligibility to participate in competitions as an amateur.

  2. A competition or campaign budget must be included in the application. Travel, food, entry and charter fees, lodging costs, communications, and uniforms are eligible for support [capital investments, such as sails, hull, equipment, etc., are not funded];

  3. Other sources of support should not be included;

  4. PHRFF can be the sole sponsor; no matching funds or other sources of support are necessary to qualify; and

  5. PHRFF does not discriminate based on financial need.

  6. A sailing resume must be included in the application.

  7. PHRFF evaluates proposals based on realistic budgets and clear, measurable and appropriate goals and objectives.

  8. Sailors are eligible for two grants from PHRFF in one calendar year, and the grants can be for an overall campaign or separate competitions.

  9. Following evaluation of grant applications, an applicant will receive:

    (1) A letter explaining why the application did not qualify, or

  1. A funding agreement that will specify the cooperation expected of the applicant in furnishing to PHRFF reports, photographs, appearances or testimonials with respect to his or her competition.

    2. Maritime-Related Charitable and Educational Organizations.

    a. Not-for-profit and governmental organizations conducting maritime-related programs are eligible. The organization must be listed in IRS Publication No. 78 [Cumulative List of Organizations Described in Section 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code] or must provide a favorable determination letter from IRS issued subsequent to the last update of IRS Publication No. 78.

  1. Program or project budgets must be included in the application.

  2. Other sources of support must be included in the application;

  3. General overhead expenses are eligible for support under some circumstances;

  4. Expenses related to increasing participation or improving program quality have priority; and Projects and programs that are able to use PHRFF support to leverage additional resources are given the highest priority.

  5. Organizational experience conducting such programs or projects should be included.

  6. Programs that demonstrate sustainability will be given priority.

  7. PHRFF evaluates proposals based on realistic budgets, and clear, measurable and appropriate goals and objectives.

  8. Organizations are eligible for one grant from PHRFF in a calendar year.

  9. PHRFF does not support –

    (1) Political activities or attempts to influence action on specific legislation;

    (2) Academic scholarships or tuition assistance for undergraduate, graduate, or postgraduate studies;

  1. Annual fundraising drives, institutional benefits, honorary functions, fundraising dinners, receptions or performances, capital campaigns, debt retirement, or completed projects;

    (4) Overhead costs, building or renovation projects, deficit financing, operating budgets, or staff salaries;

    (5) For-profit organizations; and

    (6) Religious activities.

    3. Scholarships for participation in PHRF Member Club's Junior Sailing Programs.

    Individuals under the age of 18 interested in participating in Member Club's Junior Sailing Programs are eligible.

    a. Financial need must be demonstrated.

  1. A letter of interest must accompany the application.

  2. Scholarships can be full or partial.

  3. Following evaluation of grant applications, an applicant will receive:

    (1) A letter explaining why the application did not qualify, or

    (2) A funding agreement that will specify the cooperation expected of the applicant in furnishing reports, photographs, appearances or testimonials with respect to his or her experience.

    C. Grant Process

    Interested applicants from Maritime-related charitable and educational organizations are requested to submit the appropriate application form on yearly basis by15 March. Applicants are informed of funding decisions no later than 15 May. Interested applicants involved in amateur sailing competitions, and applicants for scholarships for deserving children to participate in the PHRF Member Club's Junior Sailing Programs, are requested to submit the appropriate application form on a quarterly basis. Quarterly applications are due 15 March, 15 June, 15 September, and 15 December, of the calendar quarter prior to when the grant is required. Applications are reviewed by an Awards Committee comprised of members of the PHRF Executive Committee.

© 2025 PHRF of the Chesapeake, Inc