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Racing is BACK ON!!! Time for Renewals
Email Sent: June 3, 2020

Ahoy Fleetmates,

After a couple of month delay....RACING is BACK ON!! Albeit a bit different than what we are used to in how we have to run RC and we will have to forego après race group social activities, we are no longer prohibited for racing. I can't wait to see many of you out on the race course.

We only have about half the normal fleet of just under a thousand boats with renewals submitted and processed.

Please don't wait until the last minute to get your renewal in so we can get your valid certificate generated and valid list updated in plenty of time for your first race. Our handicappers and officers are volunteers and, like you, they have boats, families, jobs and hobbies outside of handicapping. We need some time to do quality checks on the numbers especially for new boats or boats with changes since your last certificate.

Thank you for your support. Thank you for your membership. Thank you for your participation in this wonderful sport.

Stay healthy. Stay salty. Stay competitive.


PHRF of the Chesapeake
© 2025 PHRF of the Chesapeake, Inc