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Membership and Certificate Renewals
Email Sent: March 11, 2018


You're getting this email as a former or current certificate holder for PHRF of the Chesapeake Bay.

If you've received your 2018 certificate, you're one of the first 280 or so folks that have embraced the new website and application to request a new cert or to renew an existing one. We think that it's pretty easy to navigate and use, and that's supported by almost all of the comments that we have received so far. So thank you.

If you're a member whose certificate expires on April 1, 2018 and you're planning to race this spring (I think that there is still about 300 or so of you yet to renew) it would just be awesome if you would go to the website, login, use your credit card or send us a check - and get that renewal in the If you have any questions at all about how to make that happen, send me an email. Longest support call yet has been about a minute.

Administratively, we're staying even with the renewals that have no changes. New boats, or boats with modifications, those are taking a bit longer. But, the good news is that we have a joint Northern Bay and Southern Bay handicappers meeting scheduled for Saturday March 17th where we can get those covered if we get the application in by about the a week or so left in the early stampede.

Looking forward to seeing you guys racing on the green water; I'll be on the red boat.

Jim Raper

Secretary/Treasurer PHRF Chesapeake Bay

© 2025 PHRF of the Chesapeake, Inc