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Race Results
Email Sent: September 26, 2017

At PHRF of the Chesapeake, we are working hard to improve our communications with CBYRA, our Organizing Authorities and with our members.  We have launched a new website and are working on policies, procedures and assignments for updating the information on our site in order to improve participation by our members in the sport we all enjoy.  As we turn the corner from the summer racing season to fall racing, we are all reminded of the stack of things that need to get done in our volunteer organizations before the end of the year.  Our new site's news page and email broadcast capability are going to be used to communicate and motivate an increased number of our members from their docks to the race course.  Please let us know if you think we should simply point our membership to a calendar of events with website links or if a blurb about the events would help your numbers.  We realize there are several ways to improve our participation numbers for 2018.  We are working on many of them. 

Another area of improving our communications we are working on are our high-point calculations and standings notification.  We are working closely with CBYRA to integrate the results you are publishing to them into our high-point/championship calculations.  Our goal is to have our fleet's standings on our new website by the end of the year.   Please be sure your race results are published to CBYRA within the prescribed timelines so that we can turn results into our fleet standings as soon as possible at the conclusion of our formal race season.   Our goal for next year is to have our standings updated monthly throughout the racing season.

Thank you again for including and considering PHRF in your events. 




Marc R. Briere
PHRF of the Chesapeake
© 2025 PHRF of the Chesapeake, Inc